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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Whew... Only 2 More to Go!

We are almost done with our few weeks of appointments.  It's been a rough few weeks for sure!!  We've seen the orthopedic surgeon, the neurosurgeon, the urologist, the pediatrician, the dentist, and we've had multple tests.  Next week we get to pick up Madi's HKFOs and get her wheelchair adjusted and then we are DONE!  WOOO HOOO!

Conner had to get a spacer put in a spot he had an absessed tooth that had been pulled.  We went in last Thursday at 12:20 pm.  He did great and is very proud of his new silver spacer. 

The poor guy couldn't eat or drink 3 hours before his appointment, though, and was really hungry.  I decided to take him for his first visit to Sonic and he LOVED it.  He sat in the front seat with me and we ate together and talked.  We were there about 45 minutes because he kept deciding he was still hungry and ordering more food :).  I spoiled him and let him get a nasty cherry slush that was probably full of red dye, lots of sugar, and high fructose corn syrup.. YUCK!  He sure loved it, though.  He has decided that every time he has to go to the denstist, he and mommy need to have a Sonic date.  He's such a cute and sweet little boy!

The wait to get in to see the doctors have been long, and it's taken lots of creativity to keep Madi entertained.  Here we are checking Mr. Potato Head's head circumference.  He seems to check out ok ;).

Of course, we tried on his glassess too.

Although the waits stinks, I am very glad that Madi has a team of doctors who spend time with us and really care about her as an individual.  Seen here is Dr. Moss, her neurosurgeon.  He is really an amazing guy and has fought for Madi since before she was born.  He is happy with how Madi (and her shunt) are doing and doesn't need to see her for another year!  He feels her seizure was most likely caused from the MMR vaccine and does not recommend further testing at this point, unless the seizures continue.  I am also happy that he has a special place in his heart for Ramya and is eager for her to come home.  His daughter has two adopted boys from Korea, and he is one proud grandpa!

Madi wasn't too fond of the urodynamics test to see if she still has renal reflux.  She actually did great during the test, but walking in the room and seeing that big machine just did her in.  Poor baby.  She wasn't fond of the wait for that test either.  Lukcily Child Life came with an iPad in tow and she lit up.  She layed completely still for the entire test while she watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I've decided iPads are the BEST!  I'd love to get one some day!  It would sure make our appointments go smoother!

Today we saw the urologist and we discussed Madi's urodynamic test results.  Madi still has grade 5 renal reflux on the left hand side, which I already knew (I saw it on the screen during the test).  I'm bummed about it, but it is what it is.  He isn't ready to try and correct it yet and wants to watch it a bit longer before doing anything.  He did say her bladder was holding a good amount of liquid and he was very pleased with that.  Yeah!  The wait for urology was actually pretty short, thankfully.  Child life also came back with the iPad to entertain Madi, which made her VERY happy!

We seriously need one of those things!!

I've tried to have lots of fun with the kiddos when we aren't at our appointments.  We've seen movies, gone out to yogurt, gone on treasure hunts, finger painted with pudding, and lots of fun things like that; it seems to help.

(such a goofy little guy)

In other news, Kyla, the ntee we have staying with us for a bit, officially graduated highschool... YEAH!  We are VERY proud!!

We are still waiting to hear back on our NOC and hope to have it soon.  We have our little gifts for Ramya all packed and ready to go.  Once we get our NOC, we can send them off to her.  I can't wait for her to know we are here waiting for her!  My awesome friend, Kimberly, gave me a code for a free shutterfly book, so I made one for her all about our family with lots of pictures in it.  We also are sending some books on adoption, a book about plane flights, some knee pads, leg warmers (her poor knees were so sad looking :(.  Hopefully these will help!) a stuffed animal, a little blanket, and I think that's it for now... Oh, and a photo album.  We only have a set amount of space to send things in, so we have to limit what we send.  There is one thing I know for sure...
That's all for now!  Stay tuned for photos of Madi's new up-ups (HKFOs) next week, and please keep praying for that NOC to go through.

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