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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Who knew a Christmas tree box would do all this?

It has been really hard to get Madi to want to practice walking.  She was struggling with it and was giving up, not really trying because it was hard.  She just could not quite figure it out.  I think part of the problem was that she was still trying to shuffle, like she did in her stander.  We'd been practicing on and off, but not as much as we should have been, as I didn't want to push her.  Yesterday I decided to put her chair out of sight and just tell her it was time to work on walking.  She and I practiced quite a bit, and then she asked to get in the Christmas tree box.  Conner had been playing in it and she wanted a turn.  I put her in and noticed that she had an easier time with walking.  She was taking a few steps on her own, without any help/support.  It's kind of crazy too because I had been fighting and fighting to not get a fake tree.  Finally I gave in this year and we bought one from Michaels.  Who would have guessed that God would have a plan for that silly box?  I called Tami, her physical therapist, and told her about it so she could see her walk in it during her session today (I had to help in Conner's class so my mom was going to be here with her for therapy).  Tami worked with her again today in it and I came home to this....

I had been down the last few days because I felt like I was failing at helping her walk and I did not know what else to try.  Who would have known God would give us such a simple answer!  I am so very proud of my little girl.  It is like the light bulb finally went off for her, and now she understands how to move her body to make walking work.  She is such a smart little cookie!  Now we are faced with the task of trying to figure out how to make her something like the box out of PVC pipe, wood, hand railing, or something of the sort so that she can use it to practice once this box falls apart (which it is quickly doing).  With my dad's help, though, we'll figure it out.  Way to go Madi!


Anonymous said...

These video's brought tears to my eyes. I can't even imagine how excited and thrilled you are at her accomplishment! So happy for you and your little girl! Here's to a lifetime full of accomplishments for you and her!
God Bless

Anonymous said...

What a blessing and amazing how God uses little things for something so big!! What an accomplishment...way to go Madi!!

HennHouse said...


(And one more reason for me to love Christmas!)

Lyn said...

She is an amazing little girl Jamie :)

Meilani said...

That is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing. :)

Stacy said...

Yay Madi!
We actually work with the man who makes these:
and they're awesome. I don't think it would be too hard to make from PVC pipe.