Painting her birdhouse. Look at her new little crocks, they are so cute!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010
I feel a little better....
With everything going on therapy-wise (Madi having 3 a week and Conner 2), I was feeling that it was time to drop Madi's Developmental Specialist. Every time she comes, I feel like we are wasting insurance money, because she does what I do with Madi all day every day. Because my background is in education and I've had MANY early childhood development classes, I feel like I'm pretty on the ball with that kind of thing. It's also hard because she does not involve Conner and it's always a struggle to try and keep him distracted. She does not like him touching or playing with her toys, and, of course, that's all Conner wants to do. She has made him cry by being hard on him. Our philosophy is that therapy is a family affair. We feel if we are all involved, then we all know how to help Madi best. Conner sees them work with her, and though he is little, he learns from that. Now, sometimes he can get in the way, and then I have to jump in, but the other therapists are great at involving him. She also cancels last minute more often then I think is appropriate, takes lots of weeks off, and answers her phone frequently in the middle of sessions, which I feel is unprofessional (we aren't talking the occasional call because it's important). Last Thursday was the icing on the cake, though, when she told me I should think about weaning Madi because she has teeth and is teething. It's not the first time she said it, and it's also none of her business. I am doing nothing harmful. Actually, in Madi's case, I feel extended nursing is extremely important. My milk provides her with antibodies and white blood cells to help her fight of illness, gives her pre and probiotics to help keep her gut happy, keeps her regular without needing another medication, keeps her hydrated, and I could go on and on. I know nursing a 1 1/2 year old is controversial to some people, and I know she did not nurse her babies, but I felt she was out of line. I asked the other therapists what they thought, because I know I get a little passionate, and they agreed it was completely out of line. Her job is not to provide medical advice. She's not a doctor. I made the call to Ruthanne, her DDD coordinator, and let her know we were done. I was ready with all of my reasons and rebuttals, and was quite shocked to hear "Yeah, I was surprised you didn't stop it sooner. You are the most qualified mother I know. I totally agree with you." So that's that! I feel like a load has been lifted from my shoulders. We are still keeping Physical and Occupational therapy, of course, but life just seems more manageable now, and that's a good feeling!
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Good grief, the nerve of some people. Breastfeeding is your business, and it's not like Madi is in 8th grade or something (now that would be concerning).
Good for you, knowing that you are doing what is best for your child. Keep that mommy radar going!
Good for you!
And it must have felt GREAT to know that the supervisor thought you were best qualified!
BTW--I nursed Esther-Faith until SHE was done (which ended up being 20 months). And that has been my advice to all nursing moms... You and your child will know when to be done.
Good for you.
My motto is that unless my opinion is asked about the subject it is NONE of my business unless it is legitimately harmful to the child.
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My therory is that the therapy has to work for hte family. I have switched therapists or office jsut because of the way that my second child was viewed! I am a single mom, and having her with us at thereapy is jsut a way of life! It works for our fmaily!
Good for you for knowing what you need and for standing up for what is right for your fmaily!
Nursing is a private issue and she of course by not nursing doesn't understand all the health benefits for not only Madi, but for yourself as well. =]
My favorite mantra: My baby, my rules
<3 that she said you were the most qualified Mom! So awesome someone else could see it! =]
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