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Monday, December 20, 2021

My Three Amazing Ballerinas

 This past weekend my girls danced in The Nutcracker with Dancing in the Streets.  They looked so beautiful and did so well.  They were in multiple dances and even helped create some of the choreography. Last year’s performance wasn’t able to happen due to covid and the girls missed it so much.  They were beyond excited to hear they’d be able to perform this year.  Dance means so much to them.  It challenges them to get out of their comfort zone, it challenges them physically, it’s is a great way for them to exercise, and they love expressing themselves and helping to teach others about their abilities through something they are all passionate about- dance.  Finding a dance studio that values this experience as much as we do can be such a huge challenge.  One that we've experienced ourselves.  They always feel at home at Dancing in the Streets, though, and are always welcomed there.  If you are looking for a wonderful, dedicated organization to support, they’re it!  You can donate by going to  Here are some pictures from this weekend.   I think you can see their joy flooding through.  

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